The physical flow of products from suppliers to consumers consists of a complex network of human resources, information, activities, and transit. As a result of technological advancement, these processes are rapidly improved upon through automation and robotics technologies. This industry is the forefront of modern industrialization, and will likely continue to overtake current supply chain methods.
Tech Kits
Introducing Automation Technology with VEX Workcell
Length: 30-60 Minutes
Description: This tech kit introduces users to the VEX workcell, which is a robotic arm and conveyor belt system that can be programmed to perform different tasks. In this tech kit users will use a marker attatched to the robotic arm and, using the coordinates system, draw out a line.
Transporting Objects Using the V5 Optical Sensor
Length: 30-60 Minutes
Description: This tech kit introduces users to transporting objects with the robotic arm, as well as using optical sensors to detect certain objects. In this tech kit users will program the robotic arm to pick up a blue or red disk, the robotic arm will then hold the object in front of an optical sensor to determine the color of the object, and depending on the color will place it into a certain drop-off point.
Conveyor System Automation with Optical Sensors and Line Tracker Technology
Length: 30-60 Minutes Minutes
Description: This tech kit incorporates all of the systems and sensors of the VEX workcell. Users will pass green and red discs along the conveyor belt, programming the workcell to identify the colored disks, discarding the red disks, and using the robotic arm to pick up and move the green disk.
VEX Workcell
Type: Hardware
Description: Alongside VEXcode software, this construction system creates a 5-axis robotic arm with conveyors and sensors.
VEXcode V5
Type: Software
Description:VEXcode V5 is the coding environment for programming the VEX V5 Robot.