Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics application that allows users to access statistics and gain insights on their website traffic. Users can view real-time analysis of customer website interactions and are able to use these findings to improve their marketing strategies and optimize their website's performance. 

Tech Kits

Tech Kits are part of the walk-in service provided by Innovate Labs. There are three levels of difficulty meant for different users and their experience with the different technologies. Many of the Tech Kits build off each other as you progress.


Introducing Google Analytics

Length: 60 - 90 Minutes

Description: In this tech kit, you will learn to utilize Google Analytics in order to analyze website traffic. You will learn how to create an account, implement a tracking code, and set up data filters, dashboards, and shortcuts. You will also learn to analyze basic Audience, Acquisition, and Behavior reports in order to set up goals and campaign tracking.


Intermediate Google Analytics

Length: 60 - 90 Minutes

Description: This tech kit will teach you more advanced analysis techniques and how data gets collected and turned into readable reports. You'll learn to use tools like Custom Dimensions, Custom Metrics, and Event Tracking to collect specific business data. Apart from analytics, you will also get an introduction into marketing strategies like remarketing and Dynamic Remarketing.


Google Analytics for Power Users

Length: 60 - 90 Minutes

Description: After becoming familiar with Google Analytics, you will put your knowledge to the test through this tech kit. You will learn and practice techniques for comparing users, analyzing traffic sources, customizing channels for increased actionability, identifying top performing content on your site, and improving ecommerce performance.



Google Analytics Academy logo

Google Analytics Academy

Type: Program

Description: Google Analytics Academy is a certification program offered by Google to teach you how to use Google Analytics.