NFTs or Non-fungible tokens, are unique digital identifiers that are registered in a blockchain. This identifier offers a way to prove ownership of a digital asset. NFTs are typically used for photo, video and audio files.

Tech Kits

Tech Kits are part of the walk-in service provided by Innovate Labs. There are three levels of difficulty meant for different users and their experience with the different technologies. Many of the Tech Kits build off each other as you progress.


Creating NFT Art

Length: 30 Minutes

Description: NFTs or non-fungible tokens are unique digital identifiers that are used to certify ownership in a blockchain. NFTs usually reference photo, video and audio files.In this activity, you will create two pieces of NFT art, using pixel art and AI.



NFT Smart Contracts

Length: 45 Minutes

Description: Smart contracts are programs that automatically execute or control events and actions according to the terms of a contract or agreement. A smart contract acts as a middleman between two parties, most often in cryptocurrency transactions. In this activity, you will create a smart contract that mints NFTs.


Safe Remote Purchase

Length: 45 Minutes

Description: Smart contracts are programs that automatically execute or control events and actions according to the terms of a contract or agreement. A smart contract acts as a middleman between two parties, most often in cryptocurrency transactions. In this activity, you will create a safe remote purchase contract.



Type: Programming Language

Description: Solidity is an object-oriented programming language used for implementing smart contracts.

Remix IDE

Type: IDE

Description: Remix IDE is an Ethereum IDE used for developing smart contracts.

Deep Dream Generator

Type: Web Application

Description: Deep Dream Generator is an online AI image generator.