Author: Mariah Donahue

Intro 2 h4cking: Web-app exploitation


Presenter: Nicolas Michel

Wednesday September 21st, 2022 in BUSN 391

4:00 - 5:00 PM

Students leanred basic web app exploitation skills and put them to use by attacking a vulnerable demo site. Students  learned basic SQL injection attacks, cross site scripting, and how to break a user authentication service.

Topics include: Programming, Cybersecurity


NFT Development


Presenter: Alexandria Arena

Friday April 29th in BUSN 391

2:30 - 4:00pm

This skillshare introduced participants to the concept of NFTs or non-fungible tokens. Students learned about basic process of how NFTs are minted and then they were tasked to come up a small project that will work on. It covered exactly how the blockchain process works, a showcase with minted NFTs and then having students research the application and values of the market.

Topic include: Smart Tech

Autonomous Drone Flight with Python

Tyler Goodwin


Presenter: Tyler Goodwin

Wednesday April 20th in BUSN 391

4:30 - 6:00pm

This skillshare introduced participants to autonomous drone flight. Students learned about basic python coding commands and then theywere tasked to come up with code to try to fly the drone autonomously through an obstacle. It covered exactly how the coding process works, a showcase with pre-written code and then students wrote their own code to automate flight.

Topics include: Applied Tech


3D Modeling with Tinkercad

Julia Somma


Presenter: Julia Somma

Friday April 15th, 2022 in BUSN 391

2:30 - 4:00pm

This skillshare covered the basic skills required to create a 3D model and correctly format the gcode so it can be printed. Students were presented with information on 3D Tech such as what it is, the basics of how it works, its applications, and common software that they can use to create prints and models. They then went through a step by step process of applying these skills to make their own model on TinkerCAD before exporting and formatting the gcode in the MakerBot Desktop application.

Topics include: 3D Tech