Author: Mariah Donahue

Reinvent PT

The REINVENT-PT (REhabilitation INnoVations & Emerging Novel Technologies in Physical Therapy) lab (PI: Srinivasan) is interested in understanding developmental trajectories of individuals with neuro-developmental disabilities such as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down syndrome, and Intellectual Disability across the lifespan.

The study we are currently working on explores the feasibility and efficacy of a home-based training program that uses joystick-operated ride-on-toys to improve arm function in children with cerebral palsy. In this study, we have lots of fun activities that involve children driving the ride-on-toys to complete playful challenges based on themes such as sports, children’s animated movies, favorite holidays, and other exciting themes.

The contribution of OPIM Innovate has been instrumental in supporting the activities of the children, by means of creating, modeling, and printing 3-D printed toys. These toys will significantly aid in motivating the children to participate, providing them with novel textures and shapes to interact with, and facilitating hand movements that are crucial to the study. OPIM Innovate has demonstrated its generosity by creating a diverse range of 3-D printed toys, including fidget, moveable, puzzle, and interactive toys, all of which are thematically aligned with popular children's characters such as Minions, Mickey Mouse, Scooby Doo and many more. OPIM Innovate's valuable contribution to the study will enable us to provide a more engaging and effective learning experience for the children. We extend our sincerest gratitude and appreciation to OPIM Innovate for their support and generosity. We hope to continue working with you all in the future. Thank you again!

reinventpt 3D printed toys

AIAA Rocketry: Propulsive Landing Project

For this project, our goal is to successfully drop and land a model rocket on a landing pad using propulsion along with various guidance systems. The OPIM Innovate lab provided super helpful insight regarding 3D printing practices such modifying prototype parts and 3D tech specificities. They also put an emphasis on on getting our prints to us as soon as possible. 

Submitted by Patrick Iannetta, Mechanical Engineering, Rocketry Team

Rocket Engineering Team

Pinewood Derby Race Car

The competition was held on April 21st the P.J Werth Tower. Any team that incorporates an Arduino component onto their derby car can get a bonus on their design score for the project. I have an Arduino code that prints ‘Go Derby 2023 :D’ on a LCD screen that connects to the Arduino board. I borrowed the Arduino board from the OPIM Innovate lab to help me complete the project. This project was for the UNIV 1810 class.
Submitted by: Anny Zheng, Computer Science

OPIM Innovate at Spring Weekend

Find us on Fairfield Way all weekend!

OPIM Innovate will be participating in this year's Spring Weekend events! Find us on Fairfield Way, Friday and Saturday, to explore our emerging technology. On Friday, have fun with our 3D printing pens and VR headsets from 1-4pm at our booth at the top of Fairfield Way.

On Saturday, find us in front of Homer B Library to participate in a drone race or have fun with our 3D printing pens and VR headsets.

Hang with us for some music, innovation and giveaways!

You can find the whole Spring Weekend events schedule here.

Maker Fair

The Annual Maker Fair by the Innovation Zone is a showcase for all makers in the UConn community to present their inventions, crafts, and more!

Visit us at the Maker Fair in Werth Tower to explore 3D printing, virtual reality, and other emerging technology. We will also be participating in the 5th Annual Modified Pinewood Derby.

3D Printing Competition Extended

The 3D Printing Competition has been extended! Participants now have until April 21st @3pm to submit their designs as an STL file. The judging for competition winners will take place a week later, on April 28th from 11am -1pm.

If you missed the competition kick-off, don't worry! Review the competition details and submit your bridge design as an .STL file through the Google form.

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Global Health Symposium Workshop

Join us on Wednesday March 28th from 6-8pm in BUSN 391 to learn more about the upcoming Global Health Symposium “The Price of Life”. This workshop will explore health data and analyze healthcare costs, especially during the COVID pandemic, using Tableau. Click the flyer to register!

Fish Tank Livewell

3D Printed Fish Tank Livewell parts

I designed and built a fish tank livewell for fishing. What these three different parts do are they attach onto the side of the tank. The lightweight plastics are extremely good for this, as it’s lightweight and doesn’t add a lot to the tank when moving it around, but allows for the higher well, aerating pump, and battery to be held there with constant pressure and not get splashed.
The employees at OPIM Innovate were extremely nice and helpful to help me slice my project and 3D print on the printer. I am currently at the process of 3D printing it which will help me assemble it to make the final project.
Submitted by: Liam Wilson